Suicide is a permanent solution of a temporary problems


{ Suicide is an intentional act which causes own death. Suicide is a futile effort to stop intolerable pain. Blinded by thoughts of self-loathing, sadness and loneliness, no way can a suicidal person find consolation but by suicide. But despite their desire to stop the pain, most suicidal people find themselves in deep conflict over ending their own lives. There are alternative to suicide available, but they just can’t see one.

Due to corona virus:

In recent times the suicide ratio in the world was increasing due to corona virus pandemic. There are lockdown in so many countries & due to this people are getting jobless & facing economic and health issues & problems &  they are getting depressed & stressed and due to this they think that doing suicide is an easier way of this problems. 

Important facts:

1)   Due to suicide annually 800 000 peoples dies, that’s one person per second

2)   Age above 70 the leading age in suicide cases

3)   Age between 25 – 44 is the second leading age in suicide cases

4)   10 – 34 was the second leading cause of death of the youth due to suicide

5)    In low - & middle - income states, 79 % of global suicides occur.

6)    People use so many methods for suicide like : hanging themselves , firearm , taking poison or cut their hands etc


Questions that rises in our mind:

Whenever we hear news of someone who committed suicide after hearing it there are so many questions rises in our mind & some time we ask these question by ourselves that:

1)    Why should he/she done that.

2)    What was the reason behind it?

3)    Why he/she prefer death over life.

4)   Is there is no one who help him/her in these difficult/hard situation?

5)    Will he/she commit suicide to justify something or to get affection?

6)    Why he/she did not think about their parents or their loved ones who love her/him.(etc)

Answers of these questions are still unfindable & unanswerable.


Still there are so many reasons that we don’t know due to which people take this extreme step & end their life. Majority of the reasons that find till yet are:                                     

v Depression

v Stress

v Ending of a relation

v Failure in life

v Family issues

v Career problems

v Hopelessness & aloneness

v Thinking that their life become’s burden  for others

 So on….


There is so many factors due to which person commits suicide and the depression is one of the main factor in it.

Depression can be divided according to the condition of a person. Some may have moderate and transient symptoms, while others have serious and continuous depressive symptoms.

There are 2 main types: .major.depressive.disorder & persistent depressive disorder.

          Due to depression person think negatively, act negatively & feel negatively  & they loss interest in activities or events once they enjoyed so much  which decreases their ability in working and make them sad & over thinker all the time.

Some of the symptoms of depression people faced are:

    Sleeping problems

    Remains sad all the time

    Always feel of guilt

    Always feels tired/loss of energy

    Faced difficulty in decision making , focusing & thinking

    Thoughts of suicide always come in their mind.

“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” ― Laurell K. Hamilton, Mistral's Kiss


Stress is also a major reason for a person who commits suicide According to American Institute of Stress: Every year 120,000 people die directly from work-related stress

Every year about 1100 students commit suicide, making it the second leading cause of death. Approximately 12 percent of universities students report suicide during their four years at universities, and 2.6 percent report continuous suicide.

There are so many reasons due to which person get stressed but some major are :

A.   The death of a person he/she loved so much

B.   Divorce

C.   Education load

D.   Finance problem

E.    Family responsibilities

Stress is a feeling of physical or mental distress. This can come from any occurrence or thought causing you to feel upset , or uncomfortable. Stress is the reaction of the body to a threat, or demand.

Stressed people always remain:

ü Angry all the time

ü Feeling unambitious or lacking in concentration.

ü Make wrong decisions

ü Forget every important or non important thing.

If you can’t handle stress

You can’t handle success

Ending of relations:

A relationship is an connection between loved ones .There are so many relations that peoples are engage with like father/son/daughter/wife/husband etc & they don’t want to end these loving relations. When they lose someone who are very closed to them  so person think that there is no one left in her/him life & no reason are left for him/her to live & all the time that died person revolves around the mind  and now he/she decided to end their life or commit suicide.

After break-up most of the youngster gets depressed or stressed &think that nothing has left in her/him life & he was the reason of this relation failure & suicide is the last option left for him. Failed relationships are thought to be the no. 1 factor of youth suicides

Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together



Failure in Life/Career problems / Family issues/Hopelessness:

When facing a loss or fear of a loss, a person decides to suicide.

 Those situations might include:

       i.            Loss of employment or being jobless and being unable to find enough source of steady income

     ii.            Financial / employment-related problems substantially led to suicide rates by 13 per cen

  iii.            Fall of status in society

  iv.            Education failure

     v.             Being jailed or arrested (etc)

                       There are so many people who committed suicides due to career problems because they think that they are not eligible to compete with the world & because of her/him there family was facing economic problems. Mostly people dies when they fired from a job or a big loss in business because they can’t handle the situation & end their life & thinks that suicide is the solutions of these problems.

                        Many people’s are facing family issues like they don’t have a good relations with their father/mother or sister/brother or wife & they have been so much in stress & depressed due to daily fights & arguments & for the serenity or peace they commit suicide. It is predicted that family factors are involved in 50 percent of young people suicide cases.

                      If people believe they have lost all hope and are helpless to fix it, it may outweigh all the positive things they have in their lives which make suicide a feasible choice. Sometime’s some extreme type of incidents happen & person things that there is no hope left for him/her to get out from it so they decide to end their life.



In the end, suicide was not the answer/solution of any problem .You has to think for your parents or your loved one’s what was happen with him/her after your death. How they survive without you.

                 No matter how many stress you’re feeling right now, you’re never alone. Everyone have suicidal feelings at any stage in their life. Feeling suicidal it doesn't mean that you are mad, or helpless, or imperfect. This just means that you have extra pain than you can deal with right now. However with time and help, you can resolve your difficulties, troubles, problem and the pain and in the end suicidal Feeling will go away.

                    If you are getting thought of suicide you have to discuss it with your family or friends & never stay alone. In this time stay with someone who can understand you & helps you in this critical situation.

                    To get rid of these types of thoughts you have to do yoga and exercises daily & do things which keep your mind relax & divert your mind from suicide type thoughts. Keep your mind relax because every problem has a solution sometime’s problem take time to solve but in the end all things will be good & the problem will be end.

                     Life is a blessing from god we have no rights to end it. Give yourself busy in things & never stay alone & do things which keep you happy and talk with someone who can solve your problem and help you in these types of situations.


Always remember you are not fail you’re success is just postponed


Every problem has a solution wait for the right time to get the solution

© 2021 TAHIR