Once all struggle is grasped, miracles are possible

Once all struggle is grasped, miracles are possible.

— Mao Zedong

Life is a struggle, often to achieve something you have to sacrifice, but it's still your decision to choose what you need and want most.

When you're questioning someone who seems to have made it to the peak of his career, they have a popular denominator in their struggle. They will tell you about the moments they tried to give up and switch it to others, but despite the odds they pushed ahead, after many countless struggles they sustained and suffered, their struggle bore fruit later.

When things are difficult, I try to remind myself that giving up won't improve the situation.” ― Fuad Alakbarov, Exodus

There's a beauty in the struggle. This helps a person to understand the result and the performance he / she accomplished. To those who seek shortcuts to their performance, they do not value their successes as much as others who have faced the obstacles and the processes built to tackle them. Struggle is amazing in itself, as it brings meaning to the vision and rewards those who persevere with it for not giving up.

Difficult times produce strong men and women. Keep on your struggle to achieve your dreams!” ― Avijeet Das

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